Everyone was thrilled with how he has grown over the past few months. I guess being with him on a daily basis, I don’t see as much of a change as they did. It was nice to show him off and brag about how he is growing and improving.
Here we are on the way up to Colorado and we happened to see a few “Moo-Cows” next to our bathroom break stop. So, we walked over to see the cows. Daven LOVED watching them and listening to them call out. However, when we got back in the car and started driving again, tears began to roll down his face. My little man is just so full of allergies and cows seem to be one of the biggest one. No milk and now apparently we won’t even be able to take him to a petting zoo any time soon. (Do they have “moo-cows” at petting zoos? Any who…)
Here is Uncle Marc loving on Daven and watching TV. I am sure it is some sort of sporting event whether that may be Basketball or NASCAR Racing, we will never know. Everyone wanted to get in their fair-share of Daven loves! And I was happy to let them.
Daven also still LOVES Cousin Tia. We even got them in the bath together. (only G rated pictures of course!) GranZ and PapaT were also enjoying their time with the grandkids. Here they are playing with the two of them and you can see that all four are having the time of their lives! Overall, it was a great trip! We made it home just in time to do a few loads of laundry and pack again. Tomorrow we are headed east to ♪ OOOO-klahoma, where the wind comes sweepin' down the plain ♪. Auntie Shayla is graduating with her Physical Therapy degree. YAY! Way too go Shayla, we are so proud of you. And who knows…maybe someday you can be Daven’s official Physical Therapist. ;-)
So, off to Boomer Sooner land we go. I will take tons of pictures (way too many to share all of them I am sure!) and be sure to give you a full update when we return. As great as Daven did this past weekend, I am sure he will do just as great in Oklahoma! Now my only concern is getting caught up in a tornado. Yikes.
Once Logan was done with school and we had gotten settled in at Clovis, we thought it was time to think about starting a family. WHOA, that happened fast. Within one month, we found out that I was pregnant. Our precious baby was on the way! We eventually found out that IT’S A BOY! Daven Tate was going to be here around Christmas time. Knowing that he would never forgive me for giving him a Christmas birthday, I was hoping for any day…but Christmas day.
He finally came! December 28, 2004 our precious baby boy was finally here. So itty bitty was he. Tall and skinny like his daddy. (5 lbs 14 oz and 20 in long) Here we are about 20 minutes after he arrived.
Our life as knew it was completely different. We found out very soon that babies are a lot of work. And Daven seemed to be a little more work than other babies. He wasn’t happy and had colic so terribly bad. Here he is at 3 months.
The time seemed to creep by. Daven was already 6 months old, but not holding his head up. I started to get very concerned. We signed him up for some Physical Therapy to help him get stronger. Meanwhile, Daven did start smiling finally!
After we went for his 9 month check up, the doctor knew by his weight and developmental delay that something was wrong. We began testing immediately. Blood work, MRI, ultrasound, so many tests. Daven was such a trooper through it all. The doctor ended up calling a Genetic Specialist and he said it sounded like Williams Syndrome. We both shook our heads and said Williams Syndrome? What in the world is that? So many questions, so many concerns, and so much that we didn’t know. Once we got to see the pictures and do the research, we knew instantly our precious boy had WS. After we took the blood test to confirm it, we got the call on November 16...it was official Daven Tate Marshall was diagnosed with WS.
It was a few months of roller coaster emotions. Our life was never going to be what we had envisioned it. The days seemed to be so dark and lonely. It was so hard to wrap your mind around the situation and carry on with life at the same time.
BUT, here we are almost 7 months after the diagnosis and the world continues to turn, the sun still comes up every morning, and my family is still the most important thing in my life. Days when I see that precious boy smile and hear him giggle…make everything all worth it!
How sweet it is to reminisce and consider how far we have come and how far we still have to go. Who knows what the future has in store for this family. Only time will tell.
We couldn’t have survived the past few months and years without out all the love and support from family, friends and great doctors. Sorry this post has been so long, I did say cliff notes right? Thanks for reading and sharing the past few years with me.
I am also adding a picture of Daven just for good measure. ;-)