This morning, I thought I would check on them again and see if they have grown any over the past few days. And yes…they already are. Now check them out…there are 2 beaks and lots of little birdie eyes peering out.
I just love them! They brighten my morning and day. Momma bird is taking extra good care of them. I hear her calling out (in a not-so-nice tone) when Roxanne is sitting in the window pestering her. She has to protect those babies at all cost, even if it means going head to head with a cat 4 times her size. My money is on Momma bird! ;-)
As for work, things seem to be going fine. Tensions are still a bit high, only because we are all trying to get to know each other. But all in all, I think everything is going to work out fine. (*An update about his special needs child…He had a daughter who passed away at 20 months old. She had “multiple disabilities” which eventually took her life. His wife has also previously been a special education teacher. So, they both seem to have a passion for special children.)
Well, I just wanted to share these great pictures with you. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do. I will keep updating you with more pictures as they get bigger and bigger.
This was sent out on a WS email list that I am on and I thought it was good enough to pass along. Hope you enjoy and get little giggles out of it like I did.
First of all, “HAPPY FATHERS DAY!” to all the dads out there.
I wanted to honor you today and try to express how much I (as a daughter, grand-daughter and wife) love you and appreciate all the support you give. Dads have such a special role, and I am lucky enough to have that role played out so brilliantly. Both my grandfathers, my father, my father-in-law, and now my husband are all GREAT Dads! I thank God for that.
Through all these hard times, I have to look back and think of all the great times in my life. And I have to be greatful for all the great times Daven will have in his lifetime. He has so many “Proud Papa’s” on his side!
A special note needs to be said to my precious Logan. I am confronted every day with moms talking about the “dead-beat dads” that bolted when they got word of their special children. However, you have stood tall throughout this entire process. You have pitched in when you knew I was at my limit, you have gone to doctors appointments, swung the car seat (over and over and over), changed diapers, and stood by my side through all the tears. Your love for Daven shines brighter every day, which makes my love for you shine brighter everyday.
Thanks for being the WOLRDS GREATEST DAD! Daven will learn in time, how lucky he is to have a dad that loves him more than life.
And of course we can’t finish out the day without a few “Dad” quotes.
A father carries pictures where his money used to be. ~Author Unknown.
One father is more than a hundred schoolmasters. ~ English Proverb
Fatherhood is pretending the present you love most is soap-on-a-rope. ~ Bill Cosby
I cannot think of any need in childhood as strong as the need for a father’s protection. ~ Sigmund Freud
If the new American father feels bewildered and even defeated, let him take comfort from the fact that whatever he does in any fathering situation has a fifty percent chance of being right. ~Bill Cosby
I talk and talk and talk, and I haven’t taught people in 50 years what my father taught by example in one week. ~Mario Cuomo
I hope all you dads out there have a great day! Go golfing, fishing, hunting, or whatever it is that you boys do to relax.
After such a hard day yesterday, I started to think of what would make me happier. And here are a few of the things I came up with…
Whew, I am feeling so much better already! That is only a few of the things on my list. Next time, I will be better prepared to fight off "bad days." ;-)
Since I haven’t added a picture of Daven in way too long…I thought I had better add one today. Autumn’s best friend Chyanne came over yesterday to see her new car and came in to love on Daven. As you can see from the pictures, he loved on her as well!
Thanks for sending the good vibes my way yesterday. I know it helped. Daven and I are both feeling much better today! Have a great Tuesday everybody!
Thank goodness there were tons of happy helpers to give a lending hand with Daven. He was a little grumpy while we were there. I am not sure it allergies he was fighting with, or just plain tired and wanting to be home. He is such a homebody. (I think he gets that from his GranZ!!) Such great helpers that I even got to take a nice long nap. How I ended up with zero pictures of GrandMama or GrandPa…I don’t know. I am sure you know that they had lots of time with those grandbabies!
Here is Auntie Shayla taking a nice nap with Daven. Aren’t they so sweet? Congratulations Shayla on your graduation! We are all so proud of you and anxious to watch you put your talents to work.
And here is Grandma Gene. Logan’s Grandmother Daven’s Great-Grandmother. (I am really going to have to draw a family tree, aren’t I?)
And finally, here is Uncle Garrett holding both the boys. They are all dressed up and ready to go to Church. Those boys are just so cute…I just want to eat them up.
We were thrilled to go and take a little time off to see GrandMama and GrandPa. They have a nice new house with lots of running room for those grandbabies when they get bigger. I can’t wait for Luke and Daven to get bigger so they can enjoy trips to Oklahoma to play with GrandMama and GrandPa. Oh they fun they all will have. Fishing, golfing, boating…I can already see it. It is truly a little boys dream.
Hope you enjoy the pictures (if you can see them), it is nice to be back home. If will cooperate with me…I will be updating on a regular basis again. (I have updated sooner, but I have been fighting with Blogger for 2 days now!)